International Day of Happiness – Let Go of these 9 things to always be in a Good and Light Mood
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International Day of Happiness – The best thing and the prime thing everyone aims to achieve in their entire lifetime is happiness. We all work and do everything in our lives to achieve happiness. The ultimate goal of each person’s life is to attain happiness and be happy at all times. There is nothing over happiness that are aiming at.
Talking about happiness, let us talk deeply about it. With the title, you might have understood that in this blog post, we are going to talk about the ‘International Day of Happiness’. Yes, there is a particular day for this thing because happiness is really important. The day has been started for 12 years now.
The International Day of Happiness is celebrated on 20 March every year. The main aim of this day is to know the value of happiness in one’s life and create awareness around it. The General Assembly of the United Nations passed a resolution on 12 July 2012 and proclaimed 20 March the International Day of Happiness.
Each year, there is a special theme attached to this year and the theme of this year is ‘Happier Together.’ The description for this is ‘Lasting happiness comes from feeling connected to others and being part of something bigger’.
While on this topic, we thought to share our two cents on happiness. But, happiness is a wide topic and is of course, subjective, so we thought to share a blog post about letting go of some things that can bring us sheer happiness.
Make sure to read till the end and also include it in your daily life so that it is helpful for you. This is your cue to not just read it but imbibe these in your life. Trust us, you are going to love your new you.
- The opinion of what others think or might think of you
The first and very important thing that you need to let go of is the burden of other people’s thoughts about you. There are billions of people in the world and a handful of them that you know. Each one of them will have some opinion about you which they will keep having no matter what you do for them. So, why care? Instead, just drop this burden off and live life in a carefree way. Just let them speak what they want. And let us tell you one secret, no one even thinks about you so much to have enough opinions. Everyone is too busy living their own life.
- The urge to always please people
One of the worst traits in a human is being a people pleaser. People pleasers are the ones who go to any extent to please people so that they can fit into their lives and be liked by them. But, if you really want to be happy in your life, you need to stop pleasing people and being the real you in front of them. If they still like you and want to be in your life, then they are your people or else they are not. Just, stop this and be yourself.
- The urge to be always there for people who are not there for you
One of the things in life that people say is to not expect anything from others. But, that is not possible as humans because we cannot let go of expectations. A lot of people are unhappy because they are always available for their people and their people are not. Well, the sad truth is that you cannot change how others treat you and feel about you but you can change how you treat them. So, if you really want to be happy, you need to let go of people who do not make the same effort to you as yours.
- Comparing your life with others on social media
This will suit everyone because we all are in the same boat. We all compare our lives with the lives of other people on social media. No matter how hard we try, we end up comparing our situations with others on social media. This is a serial happiness killer because nothing good comes out of this. It’s not easy to stop comparing our lives with strangers or our friends on social media but having one back thought that social media is just a filtered life can help us. It’s easier said than done, but you need to help yourself.
- Trying to control how others treat you
We said in the earlier point that you cannot control how someone feels about you. No matter who that person is, you cannot simply expect them to treat you in a certain way. This is just going to keep you sad in the long run. Let’s say you love someone and they do not love in the same way and you tell them to love you in a way that you want. But, that is not going to happen unless they want to love you in that way. And not getting the same effort is only going to hurt you. The best thing in this way is to stop controlling how to treat you and let them be or get apart.
- Worrying about the things you can’t control
There are so many things we can’t control and constantly thinking about it will only keep you at a distance from being happy. There is a popular saying that goes like ‘If you are thinking about a worst-case scenario which has not happened yet then you are living in fear twice’. So, if you cannot control anything then do not think about it. If there are things that are not in your hand then they deserve freedom from your minds too. Constantly fearing things not under your control can also change you as a person who always lives in a state of fear which is not a great way of living.
- Dwelling in the Past and thinking about the future
We all face so many incidents in our lives. Some incidents make us and break us. But, living in the past with the good memories of those situations of our lives and not moving forward is only letting us keep ourselves distanced from any kind of happiness. Also, constantly thinking about the future where you want to be, will again kill your present happiness. Just remember ‘carpe diem’ and live your life to the fullest because the present is all that you have.
- Things/situations/people who do not serve you
One of the most important things that you need to let go of is anything or any person or any situation that is not serving you. There might be friends in your lives that do not reciprocate efforts or feelings in the same way as you do and you need to let them go. You cannot hold onto them with one-sided affection. You need to let go of things like old clothes, old gifts, etc that hold no meaning to you or are retracting happiness from your life. Just let them go and move on.
- Things that have already happened
One of the biggest things that is keeping you away from being happy is not being self-aware and not accepting a situation. If any incident has happened in your life that is traumatising or disappointing for you, you need to accept that it has happened. You cannot change it. You have to believe that the universe has done that thing to you and the only option left in front of you is to accept the situation and try to move on, or else you will never be happy. You cannot change what has happened, you can just improve from here by making wise decisions.
If you thought we were going to tell you some life-changing habits that would be tough for you to change, we did nothing like that. It is so because we know that bringing bigger life changes is not easy. Hence, we thought to recommend some easy yet impactful changes that can help you be more happy in your life. We always live our lives on eggshells for some reason or another which is not an ideal way to do it. Life is short and we should be free, happy, and peaceful. We hope this blog post helps you live more freely and happily. May you always be happy.
International Day of Happiness – The best thing and the prime thing everyone aims to achieve in their entire lifetime is happiness. We all work and do everything in our lives to achieve happiness. The ultimate goal of each person’s life is to attain happiness and be happy at all times. There is nothing over happiness…