Chocolates and their hidden facts
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Anybody would jump up at the chance of being offered their favourite chocolates. Almost everyone loves chocolates as it not only tastes good but also helps alleviate one’s mood and turn it into a cheerful one.
That being said, not many of us are aware about the hidden secrets behind these chocolates and how did we get so lucky as to have them be a part of our lives. We have collated some facts about chocolates which we are sure you had no idea about.
Chocolates and their hidden facts
#1. There did exist a chocolate river
At the time when Augustus Gloop drowns into the very famous chocolate river (1971) , it actually existed. This river was made by mixing 15,000 gallons of water, cream, and chocolate.
#2. Chocolates were used as currencies back in the time
During the Mayan times, a cocoa bean was believed to be of much greater value than gold dust which is why it was used as a currency. It was not allowed to cultivate these cocoa beans because of its value.
#3. The largest chocolate in the world weighs 5700 kg
Yes, you heard that right! The biggest chocolate bar in the history of the world was created by Thorntons in order to celebrate its 100th birthday and one of the employees came up with this brilliant idea of making the largest chocolate bar. This chocolate bar weighed 5792.50 kg.
#4. Solid chocolate was invented by a group of British confectioners
The term of ‘eating chocolate’ came into existence in 1847 after the Fry and Sons shop combined sugar, cocoa butter, and chocolate sauce to give a solid and grainy look to the chocolate.
#5. Milton Hershey was in fact the king of candies
Milton Hershey who is famous for have started the Hershey Chocolate Company, he was already the founder of an earlier company i.e., The Lancaster Caramel Company when he was just 30 years old.
#6. Even chocolates have a melting point
Chocolates have been found to be the only substance which can be consumed that melts just below the body temperature i.e. at a temperature of around 93-degree Fahrenheit. This is also the reason why chocolate generally melts so easily on the tongue.
#7. For all invention of chocolates, thank Switzerland
If you ever feel thankful for chocolates in your life, then, you have Switzerland to thank for it. The first chocolate treat was invented in 1875 by Daniel Peter after a number of failed attempts that he faced trying to make his recipe work. It also turned out that one of the prime ingredients for yummy chocolate was condensed milk.
These are some of the facts we are sure you had no idea about. Well, now that you do, you can go around and tell your friends all about it!
Anybody would jump up at the chance of being offered their favourite chocolates. Almost everyone loves chocolates as it not only tastes good but also helps alleviate one’s mood and turn it into a cheerful one. That being said, not many of us are aware about the hidden secrets behind these chocolates and how did…