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8 best plants suitable for your home garden in India 

8 best plants suitable for your home garden in India – Be it the flats, duplex, apartments, or bungalows, one thing that people are turning towards to make their homes more beautiful is home gardening. Everyone is looking forward to decorate and style their homes these days with indoor plants and indulge in home gardening. There…

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How to make your first anniversary super special

How to make your first anniversary super special – Everything first is always special. The first car, the first salary, the first date night, the first anniversary, everything first is super special. The adrenaline rush and the happiness that people get through everything first is always the best. Talking about the first anniversaries, there is obviously…

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Top 7 gifts for kids on children’s day

Top 7 gifts for kids on children’s day – Apart from the birthdays festivals, there is one day that the kids eagerly look forward to. And that day is none other than the Children’s day. In India, the Children’s day is celebrated on the 14th of November which is not same to the International children’s day.…

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How to Celebrate Children’s Day in a Different Way?

How to Celebrate Children’s Day in a Different Way? – Children’s day in India is celebrated on the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru every year, i.e. on 14th of November. Since the first prime minister loved and adored kids way too much, this day is dedicated to all the kids in his loving memory.…

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Fun activities to enjoy this National Children’s Day

Fun activities to enjoy this National Childrens Day – Children’s day in India is celebrated on 14th November every year. It is the birth anniversary of the first prime minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. It is said that he loved children and was extremely fond of them. It is the reason why this day is…

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7 most heart warming and memorable gifts for siblings for Bhai Dooj

7 most heart warming and memorable gifts for siblings for Bhai Dooj – Diwali feels are already in the air and we are not complaining. Hands down, Diwali is one of the most heart warming time of the year when people gear up for celebrating this grand festival with their loved ones. And followed by Diwali,…

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7 Bhai Dooj gift ideas for Brothers and Sisters

7 Bhai Dooj gift ideas for Brothers and Sisters – Fights are going to come and go but there is one thing that remains constant between the siblings and that is nothing but pure love. Of course, every relation in the world is special for a lot of reasons but there is one relation that serves…

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7 Tricks to Get Your Partner Attention Easily

7 Tricks to Get Your Partner Attention Easily – There is something about relationships that it never remains the same and only evolves with time. During the starting stage of any romantic relationship, people spoil each other with lots of love, care affection, and mostly attention. There is nothing regular about the initial stage of relationship…

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7 Diwali Gift Ideas That’ll Make You Smile

7 Diwali Gift Ideas That will Make You Smile – Diwali is a very special festival for a lot of reasons. But, one of the most important reasons of Diwali being special is that you get to celebrate this grand festival with your loved ones. Having your close people by your side just make things…

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