Know the Importance of New Year Celebrations
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Know the Importance of New Year Celebrations – One date for which most of us are always excited about is the 1st January. It has nothing to do with the date honestly but with the fact that it resonates the biggest new beginning for a particular year. It is set in our minds that 1st of January marks the beginning of new life, new opportunities, new chances, new goals, and basically it is a start of everything fresh. Just after celebrating the New Years eve, people start with their lives from 1st January in a way they have thought. Everyone tries to induce some good change in their lives from this date.
It is cliche but for a reason. Also, do you all know the importance of the New Year celebrations as of why it is widely celebrated in the entire world with so much zeal. There has to be something more than just the change of the year, right?
Let us give you some insights about this whole idea of celebrating New Years.
New Years day and the holiday relation
Well, to begin with, no wonder that New Years is celebrated in the whole world but this is fairly a Western concept. It originated from the Western countries and reached India. In India, as per the Hindu calendar, we do not celebrate the New Years on 1st of January every year. In fact, different religions in India have different New Years dates. But, we have obviously gotten influenced and have actively taken part in this fest which is for the good only.
The celebrations of the New Years started attend 4000 years back in 2000 BC. It dates back to the ancient Babylon. It was apparently the Babylonians who started it. But, it was in 1582 when Roman Catholic Church officially adopted January 1st as the New Year and the holidays were declared.
Even in India, it is a public and bank holiday on this day.
Reason of starting the New Year from the January month
The story for this again dates back to the 46th BC when Julius Caesar introduced the Julian Calendar. He honoured the God Janus who is the name sake of the January month (obviously), who happens to be the Roman god of beginnings whose two faces allowed him to look simultaneously into the past and the future. It was Julius Caesar who established January 1st as the first day of the year. The Romans started celebrating this day as New Years by exchanging gifts, having parties, offering prayers and sacrifices to God Janus.
So, now you know this is how and where it all started.
Dropping of the ball on the New Year’s Eve
This is another tradition that is widely followed in the Western countries. In India, it is not much of an importance tradition wise, but we know about this concept. But, do we know it entirely? Let us see.
Well, the most iconic ball drop on the New Years eve happens in New York city. This tradition has been followed since 1907. The first ball that was dropped was a 700-pound sphere made out of iron, wood and 100 light bulbs. This custom was inspired from an old Maritime tradition in which “time balls” were dropped at noon so sailors could adjust their clocks to the local time. The current ball that drops weighs around 12,000 pounds.
New Things to Try Out from This New Year
Okay, here comes the cliche part about every New Years but we have made it extremely realistic for you all so that it does not get broken the mid way.
No matter how much we classify the “resolutions” as overrated, we always tend to take at least one even if it is a tiny bit. Here, we are not talking about the resolutions but little positive changes that we have in our lives for our own good.
#1 Break the Boundaries and Create Some
Boundaries is one of the most important things in our lives. We should have them and break them in all means. The negative/fearful boundaries that holds us back should be broken to try out the new things waiting for us to explore. We should break the boundaries of comfort zones, negative thoughts, disorders (any kind), and more. Creating boundaries means having a peaceful zone that nobody can break, know when to say ‘No’, decrease the people pleasing attitude, and things alike. You can watch your behaviour and bring in some positive changes.
#2 Set Attainable Goals
Most of the resolutions break midway because people set unattainable and unrealistic goals. So, this year, if you have something in your mind, do to go extremely over board with it. Set smaller goals and work on them, once done, increase the magnitude of it, and be at a progressing rate.
#3 Indulge in More Self Care Practices
It means to have some time for yourself and do the things that brings peace to you and only makes sense to you. This should be done on a daily basis in smaller levels like listening to music before sleeping, having coffee alone, etc and on bigger levels as well like investing in yourself by giving you a big treat, going for travel, etc.
#4 Journal Your Thoughts
This could also come under the bracket of self care practises but we have a separate pointer for it. In this era, we all are dealing with a lot of things. No matter how many close people we have in our lives, we are never. Able to completely express ourselves to them because even they are dealing with their things and nobody has the capacity to always entertain your thoughts.
Hence, sitting with your thoughts, dealing with them, talking to yourself while breaking your thoughts in points can help you in healing and being stress free. This way, you are also staying connected with yourself. Do this as a priority. Even if not on all days, do it on the days when your thoughts get messy. It will help you. This change is needed for the good.
What’s your plan for the New Years? Go ahead and tell us in the comments. We are waiting to know what are the things you are doing for this coming New Year. If you don’t have something new and unique planned for yourself then you can head over to chocolaty.in and find some interesting ideas to celebrate New Years. And if you are someone who likes to keep it lowkey and celebrate the New Years cozily at your home with some comfort things then you can check out some amazing New Years cakes as well on our website. Order for them, get their home deliveries, and enjoy your cute cake on the New Years.
Know the Importance of New Year Celebrations – One date for which most of us are always excited about is the 1st January. It has nothing to do with the date honestly but with the fact that it resonates the biggest new beginning for a particular year. It is set in our minds that 1st of…