Trending Cake Flavors in India
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Trending Cake Flavors in India – Cake and celebration go hand in hand in the whole world. Everyone in the world these days celebrate their special moments with cakes. In India, cakes are not something that cake from our ancestors but it is a western tradition that we adopted.
We are definitely not going to give up on this cute and lavish tradition and it is here to stay for the rest of our lives. Also, we would like to add that Indians have their own way of cutting the cakes, having favourite flavours, and what not.
We have some traditions of our own like we blow the candles and generally keep one still lighting for good luck, we give the cake’s first bite to someone closest to us, etc. Also, in addition to this, there are some classic and trending Cake Flavors in India that we are a fan of.
As one of the leading online cake portals in the country, let us tell you some of the most popular cake flavors in India whose orders we get on a regular basis.
P.S – We are definitely sure you will find your cake flavour in this list of trending cake flavours because we all are the same.
Trending Cake Flavors in India
#1 Everyone’s Favourite – Chocolate
The king of all cake flavours has to be chocolate, without any doubt. Kids, teenagers, adults, and everyone loves chocolate flavoured cakes to the fullest. Honestly, there is no other cake than a chocolate cake that actually satisfies people and give foodgasm. Every bite of chocolate cake relished takes the person to the heaven for seconds, for sure. Tonnes of varieties and designs have been baked in this flavour and will be continued.

#2 One and Only – Black Forest
Black Forest cakes are mostly in demand because it has the flavours of both chocolate and vanilla with the most perfect icing on it. It is a layered cake that is whipped with rich and smooth white cream and layers of chocolates. The combination of black and white icing and flavours make it one of the most trending cake flavours in India. Also, it is one of the top ready made cake flavours that are easily available in every cake shop in the country.

#3 Most Loved – Red Velvet
We have to break this fact about this cake flavour. People here love it for the colour, design, and presentation, more than the flavour. Of course the red velvet flavour is amazing but this cake is mainly chosen for its romantic red appearance for romantic occasions. Including this cake on special occasions subtly means showing your feelings towards that person. The sprinkle of the red velvet powder makes everything the best.

#4 Classic – Vanilla
As we already said, it is classic and it is the OG cake flavour that is popular in India. Back in the time, this had to be the most consumed cake flavour when lot of options were not available. Till date, Vanilla holds a special place in the hearts of the different people. The aroma and the right amount of sweetness this flavour has is something outstanding. Also, vanilla cakes look the prettiest because of their colour and cute colourful icing on it.
#5 Safe Side – Pineapple
Definitely pineapple cakes are also the OG cake flavours that has always been one of the most popular cake flavors in India. Few decades back, it was pineapple and vanilla flavours that ruled the cake market in India. Pineapple cakes have the tangy and sweet taste made of fresh pineapples and also you can find cut pieces of pineapple of the top of these cakes. This cake is filled with bread and a huge quantity of cream

#6 Comfort Flavour – Butter Scotch
If you are someone who likes butter scotch ice cream, there are higher chances you will also like the butter scotch cake. Butter scotch cakes have that nuts or scotch in them which makes these cakes even more tasty and fun to have. The ingredients used to make this cake are regular with the addition of butterscotch essence.
#7 Fancy One – Blue Berry Cheese
Blueberry cheese cakes are made from freezing dry blueberries and this is the reason why they have a violet colour. It has blueberry frosting, raw blue berry violet hue, caramel icing, and is made of cheese base of buttery graham cracker crust. These cakes are extremely silky, creamy, velvety, thick, and smooth. It is definitely a piece of heaven by all means. It is receiving all the love lately that it deserves for being so good.
#8 Favourite of the Season – Mango
Finally, ending this list of the trending Cake Flavors in India with the mango cake. It is the season of mangoes and mango lovers want mangoes in everything. At chocolaty.in, we make mango cakes with real mango flavour and essence and make sure that its fans and lovers devour it to the fullest. A chilled mango cake with a nice frosting on the top is the call of the season by the mango lovers. And of course, we are here to deliver.
Hands down, these have to be the most trending cake flavours in India. We know you would agree to this because you are one of these. Since the start of our business, we have sold these flavours more than any other cake flavours ever. If we had to choose one cable flavour in India that is the most trending, it has to be a tie between chocolate and butter scotch. People are crazy about these flavours for sure.
Let us know what is you favourite cake flavour and did it make to this list of the most popular cake flavors in India? Also, we have the best cakes in all these flavours in different trending designs on our website chocolaty.in.
Trending Cake Flavors in India – Cake and celebration go hand in hand in the whole world. Everyone in the world these days celebrate their special moments with cakes. In India, cakes are not something that cake from our ancestors but it is a western tradition that we adopted. We are definitely not going to…