When is Fathers Day 2022? India and worldwide dates, and why we celebrate it!
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Fathers Day 2022 – Father’s Day has become one of the most celebrated days worldwide, lately. Honouring fatherhood is not something new but definitely the ways to celebrate it have changed over the years.
First things first, Father’s day is celebrated on the third Sunday of every June. This day is followed in most parts of the world including India, United States, UK, Canada, and more. The dates obviously keeps changing every year but the day is confirmed. In some parts of the world like in Lithuania and few parts of Spain and Italy, this day is declared as a public holiday as well. In other countries, it is highly celebrated without being an official holiday. It is obviously a part of the Western culture and Indians have started celebrating it lately.
This day is celebrated to honour fatherhood and all the sacrifices that they have done over the years and keep doing for their children and families. It is more of a happy occasion to celebrate our fathers and spoil and pamper them with all things love. Generally, kids these days, gift a lot of cute things to their father, take them for outings, cut cakes, and do cute little things.
Of course, the influence of the day on Indians is from the West, but we try to do in extremely our way. There is no strict rule of how and what to do on this day, but in case you are confused as to how to celebrate this day, here are a few tips from our side.

Check out some cute things to do on Fathers day and celebrate it in the most amazing way.
#1 Start with a cute message
Of course, begin the day by wishing him ‘a very happy father’s day’. But, how about doing this in a little interesting way. Okay, the thing that you have to do is, DO NOT SEND A FORWARD WISHING MESSAGE. Instead, take some time in advance and curate a special message for this day for him. Keep it saved and send it to him in the morning of Father’s day and surprise him. When he leads a customised wish from you that says how much he means to you, he would be the happiest. Post that, wish him in person.
#2 Pamper him with nice and meaningful gifts
The next thing in the loop should be to surprise him with some meaningful gifts. You know how dada are, right? Dads love gifts that are meaningful and nothing less than that. Give him something that he needs, or has been eyeing on since some time, or anything that is required in the house. Not only will he be happy but also he will be moved by your thoughtful gesture.
#3 Take him out
A cute way to celebrate father’s day is by taking him out for lunch, dinner, movie, shopping, games day, picnic, or anything out of his regular work routine. The idea is to make him feel special and different on this day. Also, the idea is for him to enjoy and live in the moment without stressing over anything.
#4 Spend time with him doing his favourite stuff
Well, it could be anything. It could be visiting his friend’s house, going on a long drive where he gets to drive, accompany him while he cooks, watch a match, binge watch his favourite movies, or anything as per his choice. Just be there with him while doing things that he loves the most and look at him having a blast.
#5 End the day on a sweet ‘note’
And when we said a sweet note, the focus should be given on both ‘sweet’, and ‘note’. Order his favourite desserts and let him enjoy for the day. Of course, the better idea would be to choose the healthy alternatives so you are also keeping a check on his health.
The ‘note’ thing is as you started the day with a warm message, end it with a sweet, crisp, small note that says something even more loving and precious. Cutting a cake at the end of the day would be such a nice thing to do. To get the best Father’s day customised cakes, you can check out chocolaty.in and get free home deliveries of the fanciest possible cakes.

So, we hope we were successful in curating a perfect Father’s day plan for you. You can obviously alter it as per your way and you dad’s liking. One tip we would like to add here is that make sure that you are not doing anything forcibly which none of you enjoy, don’t take the peer pressure of doing it the certain way, and only stick to what brings joy in your family. You do you!
Fathers Day 2022 – Father’s Day has become one of the most celebrated days worldwide, lately. Honouring fatherhood is not something new but definitely the ways to celebrate it have changed over the years. First things first, Father’s day is celebrated on the third Sunday of every June. This day is followed in most parts of…