9 things to leave behind for a fresh start in 2024
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9 things to leave behind for a fresh start in 2024 – The ‘new year new me’ time is here, again. We all want to be a new version of ourselves, a better one, as a new year starts. But, being that and achieving that is not easy. You have to start a new lifestyle, make a lot of changes, and make a lot of sacrifices and then only can you see a new version of yourself in the new year.
For this, there are a lot of bad or old habits you need to leave behind for a fresh start in 2024. You might be consciously or unconsciously doing a lot of things in 2023 that you might need to lose out on for a fabulous 2024. We are going to talk about some of the changes that you can bring in yourself by cutting off some practices that hold you back from being the new you.
Here are the 9 things to leave behind for a fresh start in 2024. Cutting off some of these practices might be easy and some might come out difficult for you. Nonetheless, if you want to be a better version of yourself, you will have to do it. So, let us see what those things are and how we all can collectively get rid of them.
9 things to leave behind for a fresh start in 2024
For your information, we have included habits that serve most people of this generation.
- Things that are not serving you anymore
Well, each year makes us one year older, right? And with each year, our goals change, our priorities change, our perspectives change, and also our targets change. So, if you have to elevate your life in any way, you have to let go of the things that are not serving you anymore. If there is a career that is not helping you to be where you want to be, let that go. If there is a house that is not serving you, get a bigger one, and so on. If you follow an exercise routine and it is not accurate anymore for different results, let it go and bring a new routine.
- People who do not value you
Just like you are letting go of the things that are not serving you, you also need to let go of the people who do not value you. You can have friends who do not value you as much as you value them, you might have a partner who does not value you enough, work colleagues, and so on. You need to let go of those people because they are only going to make you feel weak and vulnerable, and will hold you back. You will constantly be under pressure to do bigger things for them so that they see your efforts and give your due, but that is simply not going to happen which is going to make you sad.
- The table where you are not appreciated at
Again, this could be anywhere including your family or your spouse’s family, your workplace, your friends, or anyone. If there are people who talk behind your back, make plans without you, replace you easily, take you for granted, are not committed to you, or do not like you, you do not need them in your life. You do not want people to not be happy for you, to be jealous of you, to outshine you, to make fun of you, etc. This year, you need to be strong for yourself and make this decision to leave that table where you are not appreciated.
- Efforts for people who do not do the same for you
Most of us can relate to this. We all have people in our lives for whom we go the extra mile to do crazy things. We always keep them above us because that just makes us happy or that is just the way that we are. But, if those people are not doing the same for us, it just makes us sad in ways that we are not able to explain. We do stuff for them, and the same is not reciprocated, we get sad, but again we do the same for them. It is endless and also sad. This year, we need to end this habit and let those people release our worth as well.
- Mindlessly scrolling on social media
This does no good, no matter what. You cannot convince us otherwise. It is simply a waste of time and along with that, it also caters to an increase in anxiety in a lot of ways. You might think of it as a guilty pleasure or a break from the daily routine but it consumes you a lot more than you think. Instead of this, you can make a routine to check your social media only when your work is done, or for certain hours, and so on. We are not telling you to ditch your social media love but just be mindful about using it.
- Checking your phone as soon as you wake up and before you sleep
This is one of the worst habits that is going to hold you back from being the better version of yourself. Checking your phone will not let you be the person you are visualising yourself to be. But, instead of checking your phone in the morning, start by checking yourself first in the morning. Wake up slowly, give yourself some time to process the morning, sit in silence, get out of bed, have water, meditate, and then start your day. Checking your phone in the morning is going to slow your process, will give you unwanted stress, and whatnot. The same goes for before sleeping. The better thing would be to listen to some music or podcasts before starting and ending the day.
- Doing things without planning and tracking
If your resolution for this year is to be a better version of yourself and keep doing good things then you need to start the habit of planning and tracking. You need to plan your entire day, your meals, your skincare routine, your expenses, your monthly goals, and more. Once you plan, you can keep doing things one by one and keep ticking those off. Also, along with planning, you need to track your habits and life so that you know where you know where you are, how you are doing and what progress you have made in the days gone by.
- Things/Career that are not helping you grow
If there is a career that you are currently at and is not helping you to be where you financially want to be, this is the year to change that. You need to take that risk this year and take that leap of faith. Instead of thinking ‘what if you cannot make it’, you need to believe in yourself, your talent, your God, and the Universe and think ‘what if it works out’. Just do not keep doing the things you do not love, only out of your fear, or only because it is in your comfort zone. Just believe and fly.
- Self-criticism and Loathing
Excessive use of social media has only gotten into our minds and has made us believe that we are not enough, we are not better than others, we lack so many good things, we are not pretty, and so much more. It has led to severe comparisons which has made us anxious and depressed on a lot of levels. This year, you need to get off any kind of self-criticism and loathing. Make 2024 all about yourself, accept yourself, believe in yourself, and just get the year started. You need to believe that social media is a filtered life and not a raw/real one.
Believe us, these activities are going to help you to become a better version of yourself in 2024. Leaving these things behind will surely let you have a fresh start and along with that, it will also help you become a newer you in a literal sense. But, lots of these things will not come easy to you but you have to be determined enough to make the mountains move. Even if these are small things, they are capable of bringing bigger changes in your lives. So, get ahead and get going.
9 things to leave behind for a fresh start in 2024 – The ‘new year new me’ time is here, again. We all want to be a new version of ourselves, a better one, as a new year starts. But, being that and achieving that is not easy. You have to start a new lifestyle, make…