7 Fun Games for New Years at Home Celebrations
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7 Fun Games for New Years at Home Celebrations – Are you hosting a New Year bash at your home or at any cute place? Have you invited over your friends and family to be there with you to welcome the new year in your way? Well, then you also have to take care of their entertainment apart from food and other things.
When it comes to entertainment for the close knit parties, the best thing that can be done is planning of exciting games which brings out the liveliness of the party and entices everyone to participate in it. Well, having said that, we obviously have a solution to your fix of ‘what will be the best games for new year parties’. Here, we talk about 7 fun games for New Years at home celebrations. All of these games are cute, can be played with anyone and everyone, are exciting, and also the mood starters for the parties.
Come on, let us check what those games are right here.
#1 Last Year Wrapped Playlist
Okay, so lately on social media platforms, people have shared their Spotify playlist. This basically means they have shared their last year’s playlist of the most heard songs, artists, and so on. So, the same needs to be done for other things apart from music like for the silly mistakes, creepy things, and also one great thing. Everyone needs to share the crazy things they did last year and the topics could be anything. It would be great to know people’s stories and things they. Ever openly talked in detail. It will create a fun, light hearted, and joyful moment for everyone.
#2 Last Year Movie Match Trivia
Movies are series are our daily dose of entertainment, right? We can’t do without these teeny tiny entertainment doses that we have in our lives. So, the time to turn this habit into a trivia game can be something fun for the New Years eve. As a host, you can also include some nice gift for the winner which would make the game even more interesting. The game needs to be a trivia game with the questions from the movies of the last year. You can have a buzzer to make things exciting and make sure to have interesting questions.
#3 Who in the Room
This is something totally fun and hilarious. In this game, you need to make some cards with different questions. You can search for the questions on the internet. There can be multiple rounds in the game and in each round one person has to pick a card and answer the question by naming the person from the room to whom he thinks the question is most relatable. For example, you picked a card and it has the question ‘who in the room you think is the sleepy head’ and you have to name that person out loud. Fun isn’t it? You can see what people think of you in this way.
#4 Two Resolutions and a Lie
New Years game is a complete lie if there is no resolution game involved. New Years and resolutions go hand in hand. Even if you are someone who never takes or always breaks the resolutions, the topic of it is always running in the back of your mind. So, in this game, everyone has to say two resolutions they want to take and one lie. And the rest of the people have to guess which is the wrong statement and which are the resolutions. The correct answer needs to be said at the end. You can have a really fun time while playing this.
#5 The Classic – Never Have I Ever
How can you not play Never Have I Ever especially on a New Years party? You know the rules, everyone says one statement and the people who have done it take a shot (of anything) and the one who hasn’t does not take a shot. This way, you all will get to know a lot about each other. And this game is always fun. You can never go wrong with this classic game. You can also include some silly promises to not lie like ‘lying in this game will bring you first bad food order of the year’, etc.
#6 The Faux Resolution
Again, another resolution based game for the new year party. It is one of the best of the 7 fun games forNew Years at home celebrations because this is going to bring some good laugh in the house till the time everyone is done stating one faux resolution. So, in this game, everyone has to take one faux resolution which they know they will never complete no matter what. It could be like ‘my resolution for the new year is to talk to one of friend every week’, etc. The rule is that the resolution should sound faux out loud as compared to the personality and behaviour of the person. For example, a home body taking a resolution to travel every month.
#7 The Major One Manifest Game
Finally, one game that is all about good luck, wishes, prosperity, and collective blessings. In this game, everyone has to manifest one major big thing that they want in 2023. It has to be life changing, it has to be in the bucket list of the person, it has to be out of the comfort zone, and it has to be grand. For example, a person can manifest getting married, a person can manifest starting their business and quitting the job, etc. Manifesting out loud will obviously increase the chances of these dreams coming true to life.
With this list of some super entertaining and fun games, your New Year eve party or even the New Years day is going to be super chill and fun with your fam. We know there are a lot of people who like to stay lowkey on this day and celebrate the New Years with closed people only at home or private properties, so for them, this is going to be extremely fun filled. Of course, you can always tweak these games as per your choice and make it more fun. Let us know which of these are you gonna play or are you gonna create a playlist of games and spend hours playing all of these?
7 Fun Games for New Years at Home Celebrations – Are you hosting a New Year bash at your home or at any cute place? Have you invited over your friends and family to be there with you to welcome the new year in your way? Well, then you also have to take care of their…